Sunday, September 19, 2021


There Is A God. He does exist. And he is the One True Lord. He has proven that He exists to me many times over, and I am most thankful for everything He does and continues to do for me, and for all of us combined, which is why I would like to clear the air about Christianity to the best of my ability based on actual reality and what I have learned through time on my own accord, and what personally makes the most sense to me after finding out everything that I know to be real and true. This is my Truth, and I come to you in the Spirit of Truth, while trying to provide answers where there are none. I want to start by saying that some people who want to believe in themselves more than the One True Lord say that they replaced ‘History’ with “His Story.” That’s only partially true, because, they are referring to only “Jesus Christ.” When in all actuality, “His Story” refers to the story of the One True Lord. Where people start getting confused in religion is when they keep thinking that the entire bible refers to the story of The Messiah, when that is only partially true also. The New Testament refers to the story of “Jesus Christ,” not the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a testimony to Our Heavenly Father, who is Holy, Holy, Holy above all else. The same cannot be said for Pagan “gods,” nor for those people walking around declaring to the world that they are themselves “Pagan gods.”
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Wednesday, June 9, 2021



Presidential Candidate Chance Trahan Discusses The 2020 US Presidential Election Aftermath And Analysis

Hey, everyone!

Been a while. I just wanted to update you guys and didn’t even have a post planned for today. But, someone’s uninformed tweet prompted me to want to give you an Election recap, because there’s a lot of the story that hasn’t been told in one sitting. So, I’m going to give you everything that I can about the 2020 Presidential Election, right here, right now.

WARNING: This content uses several trigger-words that might offend you. Not that I care, just saying that you were warned. So just relax, take a deep breath, and let’s move on. Shall we?
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Sunday, August 16, 2020


Freemasons believe in and call God the Grand Architect Of The Universe or GAOTU. These are so called intelligent people who have access to all the top science, mathematics and all historic scriptures.

They believe this because our reality is observed on a fundamental level in mathematics and geometry. The geometric and mathematical shapes in nature are undeniable. Sacred geometry or the geometric shapes in molecules, like the Oxygen molecule crystal is a cube and Nitrogen molecule is a hexagon etc… this along with Cymatics symmetrical geometrical patterns in frequencies, and the Golden ratio and Golden rectangle, pretty much prove a supreme intelligence created this reality.

That begs the question of an afterlife, and your next journey in it. The crimes of this life hit you in the next one, that’s called Karma. This isn’t about religion this is about spirituality. They believe in God but worship the serpent or Hu Serpent or Satan, the animalistic baser instincts of human nature and demonic entities. Ask yourself why they don’t promote this, teach it in schools, or in their religions. This is because they don’t want you to know it, and because they have control over you and can make you commit crimes for them when you no longer fear the consequences of your actions of this life in an afterlife.

God’s laws are that you do no harm to others or yourself, live a life of moderation and equality, look after the home God gave you for free, enjoy the talents God gave you for free! Don’t profit from or impose your will on others. Look after and defend the innocent and most vulnerable. Truth over lies and defend your rights and the rights of others against the most wicked and evil.
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Monday, August 3, 2020


“In 4 months, the U.S. transformed into an obedient socialist country. Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And you bought it without a fight.

Standing in a graduation line is a “safety hazard”. Small businesses were forced to close but crowds to support the corporate money machine at WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are OK.

Come on. It’s “just a mask” & “safety precautions”.
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Monday, July 27, 2020

The Truth About The Portland Protests Revealed By Chance For President Candidate Chance Trahan

[After publishing this series of press releases, “blm” came up with this crude ‘list of demands’ and blasted them on the side of a building with a projector the very next night.]

What Happens During A Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protest Just Might Shock You
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