Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Has it been a while since you’ve updated your WHM Packages?

You probably keep running into errors like:
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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Montana Human Trafficking Survivor [Shares Her Story]

WESTERN MONTANA — The Montana Department of Justice reports the state saw an 871% increase in cases, from 7 in 2015 to 68 in 2021.

Britney is a survivor of human trafficking. Her journey started in Missoula and after 8½ years it ended with her trafficker behind bars. But her story is real, raw, and emotional.

In 2010, at 19 years old, Britney met a 28-year-old man who would later become her trafficker. But as all human trafficking cases do, it started as a relationship — and later became an emotional connection with manipulation at the center of it all.
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Friday, February 11, 2022

Sheriff Says [Explosive New Podcast!]

Check out the latest Sheriff Says episode!

Sunday, September 19, 2021


There Is A God. He does exist. And he is the One True Lord. He has proven that He exists to me many times over, and I am most thankful for everything He does and continues to do for me, and for all of us combined, which is why I would like to clear the air about Christianity to the best of my ability based on actual reality and what I have learned through time on my own accord, and what personally makes the most sense to me after finding out everything that I know to be real and true. This is my Truth, and I come to you in the Spirit of Truth, while trying to provide answers where there are none. I want to start by saying that some people who want to believe in themselves more than the One True Lord say that they replaced ‘History’ with “His Story.” That’s only partially true, because, they are referring to only “Jesus Christ.” When in all actuality, “His Story” refers to the story of the One True Lord. Where people start getting confused in religion is when they keep thinking that the entire bible refers to the story of The Messiah, when that is only partially true also. The New Testament refers to the story of “Jesus Christ,” not the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a testimony to Our Heavenly Father, who is Holy, Holy, Holy above all else. The same cannot be said for Pagan “gods,” nor for those people walking around declaring to the world that they are themselves “Pagan gods.”
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Saturday, June 12, 2021




The word has seemed to have lost its meaning. We use that word so much that I feel like we’ve forgotten exactly what the word “God” is supposed to mean to us. I was once asked in a Meeting of the Minds group, “What is God?” The guy was boastful. Even proud. He had an attitude that reminds me of Katt Williams when he says, “Don’t worry. I’ll wait.” He wanted a challenge. He was ready to erupt on anybody who answered him. I had no problem stepping up to the plate to take a real good swing. But, I was stopped short by the group’s Meeting leader. She was saying, “Nope. We’re not gonna go there.” And it was kind of like when a teacher says, “Quiet, coyote.” Everybody just fell silent.
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